2025 FEB 09 Call for Sedition? with misinformation and violent heretical Politically motivated rhetoric about DOGE in a American Baptist Church pulpit in Chattanooga, TN

PROOF-TEXTING, in Greater Second Missionary Baptist Church Chattanooga, TN

without prejudice

Extra Biblical1 Abuse of Scripture:

"No one likes violence, but sometimes violence is necessary.

When Elon MUSK forces his way into the U.S. Treasury and threatens to steal your personal information and your Social Security check, there is a possibility of violence.

Sometimes the devil will act so ugly that you have no other choice but to get violent and fight." SAID Steve Caudle

(0:00) And in this nation, I'm worried that we are on the verge of bloodshed. This is an attempt to take us back to a day that we do not want to go, and we will not go.

(0:13) Therefore, there will be conflict.

(0:16) I pray that the peace of God will win out and overcome the madness that is attempting to take over this nation. And I will say to you, beloved, no one likes violence, but sometimes violence is necessary.

(0:31) When Elon Musk forces his way into the United States Treasury and threatens to steal your personal information and your social security check, there is a possibility of violence. (0:44) Sometimes the devil will act so ugly that you have no other choice but to get violent and fight.

WARNING "proof-texting2. now takes place

vs 12 *(italic is sound biblical agreed commentary) in content reads and understood correctly

12 And from the days of John the Baptist (*John introduced “the kingdom of Heaven") until now. (*speaks of Christ Who would bring in the New Covenant) the Kingdom of Heaven suffers violence (*the Crucifixion, the price that Christ paid [ Gen. 3: 15]), and the violent take it by force: (*speaks of Christ taking the domination away from Satan who had taken it from Adam [Col. 2:14-15]).

(0:53) Well, someone might say, now, Reverend, you know you shouldn't be talking about violence.

(0:58) This isn't the Christian thing to do. Well, I will say, why not talk this way? Because Jesus did3.

(1:06) Jesus said in this key verse, didn't he? The kingdom of heaven suffers what? Violence. And the; who? The violent take it by force. The kingdom of God is a war zone. It is a battlefield. You did know this, right?

Scripture in Biblical Context:

Matthew Chapter 11

KJV (Expositor’s Bible)

7. And as they departed (*the two disciples of John the Baptist), Jesus began to say unto the multitudes concerning John, What went you out into the wilderness to see? A reed, shaken with the wind? (*Despite appearances – John being in prison – Jesus proclaims what John really is.)

8. But what went you for to see? A man clothed in soft raiment? Behold they who wear soft clothing are in kings’ houses (*if Herod's gold could: have bought John, he would not now be in prison)

9 But what went you out for to see? (*The third time this question is posed) A prophet? Yes, I say unto you and more than a prophet (*more than all Prophets before him)

10 For this is he, of whom it is written (*proclaims John as the last of the Old Testament Prophets), Behold, I send My messenger before Your face (*John was that messenger), which shall prepare Your way before You (*John Prepared the way for Christ).

11 Verily I say unto you, among them who are born of women there has not risen a greater than John the Baptist (*place John at the fore­front of the Prophets): not withstanding he who is Least in the Kingdom of Heaven is greater than he (*speaks of the New Covenant [Heb 8:6]).

12 And from the days of John the Baptist (*John introduced “the kingdom of Heaven") until now. (*speaks of Christ Who would bring in the New Covenant) the Kingdom of Heaven suffers violence (*the Crucifixion, the price that Christ paid [ Gen. 3: 15]), and the violent take it by force: (*speaks of Christ taking the domination away from Satan who had taken it from Adam [Col. 2:14-15]).


Editorial: Chattanooga pastor criticized for video suggesting violence in response to Elon Musk, DOGE

Fox Chattanooga Editorial Chattanooga Pastor Criticized For Video Suggesting Violence In Response To Elon Musk Doge
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Credit to: Author Jakai Spikes | Credit to: Publisher FOX Chattanooga News | Headline: X | Time-Stamped-(AWST): 5:07 PM | Date-Stamped -(AWST): February 11th 2025 | Editorial: READ HTML

Acknowledgement Original Sources

Credit to: Woke Preacher Clips | 𝕏-handle: @WokePreacherTV | 𝕏-tagline: Misinformation and violent rhetoric about DOGE are spilling out into pulpits across the nation | 𝕏-clip: 1888947762860785882 | 𝕏-AWST-Datestamp: 2025 FEB 09 | 𝕏-post: 1888947762860785882 | 4CMnotes:

Credit to: Greater Second Missionary Baptist Church | YT-handle: @greatersecondmissionarybap5444 | YT-tagline: Dr. Steve Caudle, Pastor November 10, 2024 “The Violent Kingdom” Matthew 11:7- | YT-clip: C66TFtmesaQ | YT-date-(AWST): 2025 Feb 09 | 4CMnotes: Full Media Segment

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Extra-biblical means outside of the Bible, and can refer to information, resources, or revelations.


(the misuse of biblical text” "proof-texting. The term for using a Bible verse out of context to support a point is "proof-texting." This involves quoting a passage without considering its original context, often leading to misinterpretation or misuse of the scripture. "


this is what would be classic "proof-texting.The term for using a Bible verse out of context to support a point is "proof-texting." This involves quoting a passage without considering its original context, often leading to misinterpretation or misuse of the scripture. "