without prejudice
Inflation = currency devaluation 1971 – 2025
1971 ABC The taxes cost of cars of the once manufactured Australian Holden MC
How much did it cost to run a car in Australia in 1971? By today's standards - not much at all. by ABC AU
AUD — $543.05 sales tax
AUD — $15.50 stamp duty ON the purchase
AUD — $6 registration fee
AUD — $27.41 road tax
AUD — $40.15 Third party insurance
AUD — $6 new licence costs
AUD — $70 fuel paying a tax excise figure
AUD — $65 Harbour Bridge; state's expressways tolls
AUD — $15 PARKING meters in the city.
AUD — $12 two parking offenses
AUD — $20 case of speeding or forgetting the headlights after dark,
AUD — $25 proportion of the council rates bill which goes into road works,
AUD $845.11 1971
1971 - $845.11c AUD
buying power would requires
2025 $10,812.27 AUD
2025 $10,812.27 AUD
Acknowledgement Original Sources
Credit to: ABC Australia REELS | Facebook-handle: @abc/reels | Facebook-tagline: How much did it cost to run a car in Australia in 1971? By today's standards - not much at all. | Facebook-REEL: 2702682069944103 | 4CMnotes:
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