Struth! WE KNOW NOTHING What Happened? Kept in the Dark | Kept in the Warm & Fuzzy | Kept in on a Diet of Bovine Waste.
¤ New Zealand Skeletons in The Cupboard.
In 2015 an interesting three-part documentary explored the oral history of the land of New Zealand and the arrival of the Māori Peoples, a most professionally presented record of oral history etc, however it challenged the current historical records and laid bare a serious challenge to the historical accuracy that had been scribed into written history; the reaction is interesting and significant with the TVNZ pulling the series
A group with significant influence would only have such pull; to can a massive investment made to make this trilogy and for me it’s nefarious censorship to quash academic discourse which would be the usual scientific approaches to such subjects.
The fact TVNZ quash this information makes its veracity more likely; than being a fable and fictional in my opinion.
The truth is not something we should fear.
Lies are no foundation for any society to build upon.
So, we make available the content because we believe you the individual are the possessor of all rights to what you choose to believe and not believe.
I do not feel its anyone else’s choice; the responsibility to seek the truth and discover the facts always lies at the feet of the individual seeker.
We wish you well in the Journeys of Discovery
TRILOGY 1) The Redheads: An exploration of New Zealand’s earliest inhabitants leads to the shock exposure of suppression of vital history and destruction of artifacts, documents and skeletons.
Rumble: https://rumble.com/v1mcwka-new-zealand-skeletons-in-the-cupboard-episode-1-redheads.html
Bitchute: https://www.bitchute.com/video/hJEtAREIQuBv/
Our Freedom Tube: https://www.ourfreedomtube.com/watch/rNgf2OsuHPbpBWZ
Archives: https://archive.org/details/redheads-part-1-of-skeletons-in-the-cupboard-series
TRILOGY 2) Under the Carpet: The quest for the earliest inhabitants of New Zealand continues with Gabi Plumm’s search under the layers of lava, volcanic ash, sand and embargoes to discover the truth about discarded history, destroyed archaeological records and hidden data that show just how much information is being kept from New Zealand’s people.
Rumble: https://rumble.com/v1meqpq-new-zealand-skeletons-in-the-cupboard-episode-2-under-the-carpet.html
Bitchute: https://www.bitchute.com/video/2YfsOXWjDXSv/
Our Freedom tube: https://www.ourfreedomtube.com/watch/nHeIUBiEtofWQBD
Archives: https://archive.org/details/under-the-carpet-part-2-of-skeletons-in-the-cupboard-series
TRILOGY 3) Cousins Across the Sea: The ancient legend of Hookumu Ka Lani, Hookumu Ka Honua, buried for centuries in the Bishop Museum in Honolulu, exposes the surprise origins of the Hawaiian and the Eastern Polynesian people. Are the scientific papers that insist on inhabitation from 1840 AD wrong? Were there people living on the Hawaiian Islands as long ago as 12,000 years, and if so where did they come from?
Bitchute: https://www.bitchute.com/video/IdRCy222Hc5G/
Our Freedom tube: https://www.ourfreedomtube.com/watch/MVU83PTSyn6cqpw
Archives: https://archive.org/details/new-zealand-skeletons-in-the-cupboard-episode-3-cousins-across-the-sea