2022 SEP 05 What's Change at the NIH - Ivermectin is being listed as a drug for treatment of COVID-19
It seems to appear Fauci grip on NIH has been broken since he's announced his retirement in DEC 2022
Its only about 2 years too late; thousand have died due to the blockade that the likes of Fauci and Government Bureaucrats placed on IVM.
GP’s were denied the right to prescribe IVM as a off label use drug despite the fact IVM was and is a “SAFE” drug unlike the Experimental Gene Therapy Injectable that was being mandated on the nations population.
Thankfully many Non-Western countries refused to buy into the blockade! These Countries allowed the repurposed use and the Governments recommended this early treatment regime along with other medications such as HCQ.
Countries like Australia and New Zealand stopped their GP’s from prescribing the use of the drug for treating Covid-19.
In America the States with Democrat Governments all blocked Ivermectin use forcing people to go out of state for the drug. The States with Republican Governments did not hinder in any manner the use of Ivermectin in Early Treatment Regimes; Thank God!
THOUSANDS OF LIVES WERE SAVED BY THE USE OF IVM AND OR HCQ: in a combination medication early treatment protocol Championed by very skilled medical practitioners. SEE “Pathophysiological Basis and Rationale for Early Outpatient Treatment of SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) Infection” DOI: 10.1016/j.amjmed.2020.07.003