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Never Again! Happened Again ~ Globally

Sadly New Zealand and Australia were no exception

Australia - No Exception


NEVER AGAIN!: The Infamous Medical Fascist-Gov/Mengele Spirit "Angel of Death"

Happened Again this time Globally

I first hand experienced and my friend and GP of 13 years shift his advice to me the very moment they got the Fascist-Gov Regulatory Agency gag order with clear threat of being de-licence.

A Cabal of Polity/Medical Bureaucrats/Judiciary/Constabulary/Media-Conglomerates has waged war against its citizens it failed yet their masters are desperately attempting to resent the playing field by way of establishing laws against any dissenting voice against Government Opinions the political process is happening in Australia right now the current incumbent belligerent Fascist Gov. is attempting this!


PUPPET MASTERS: want to rerun the genocidal depopulations and global take over of humanity

We have just under gone the utter betrayal of Doctors/Patient Trust
Fascist-Gov powers to de-licence and destroy a practitioners profession plunging them
to financial ruin was
more than enough to gag the majority of practitioners
to abandon all they knew was right and reason away what was wrong

New Zealand was no exception

New Zealand’s an experienced Pulmonary and Intensive Care Physician, former A/Prof Radiology with the Taranaki District Health Board Dr. Peter Canaday has had his medical licence suspended, and dragged through a professional conduct complaint and a week-long appearance at a Health Practitioners Disciplinary Tribunal.


Because he did what good doctors are meant to do: He thought, he questioned, he amassed evidence, he insisted on basic foundational principles of medicine and he brought his concerns to the public. mRNA “EXPERIMENTAL” injectables

New Zealand’s Dr. Peter Canaday

Peter Canaday experienced Pulmonary and Intensive Care Physician, A/Prof Radiology who was with the Taranaki DHB

Fascist Gov. Controlled Rotten to the core Medical Bureaucracy
Honest Highly Experienced & Qualified Rational Medical Thinking

However Globally the “fix” was and is “in”
Highly Experienced & Qualified Rational Medical Thinking meant diddly squat

- MSM Propaganda machine unleashed: character assassinations
- Gov. Regulatory Agencies unleashed: practitioner assassinations

Opposing the Covid Juggernaut with Rational Medical Thinking

By Dr. Emanuel E. Garcia

When the covid tsunami hit the shores of New Zealand, thereby fostering a slew of drastic measures based on limitless fear and breathtakingly absent science, Dr. Peter Canaday did what good doctors are meant to do: he thought, he questioned, he amassed evidence, he insisted on basic foundational principles of medicine, and he brought his concerns to the public.

Other doctors at the time also expressed their concerns, myself being among them, but Peter, given his expertise in Internal Medicine, Respiratory and Intensive Care and Radiology, marshalled his talents in an enviable way to bring an eminently rational perspective on a complex series of topics to all of us.

4cminewswire: VOICES FOR FREEDOM Odysee Channel Featured a special guest Dr. Peter Canaday with his presentations 19 AUG 2021 HERE: (126 mins).

Dr. Emanuel E. Garcia: Peter was “rewarded” for his good and necessary work with the suspension of his medical licence, a professional conduct complaint, and a week-long appearance at a Health Practitioners Disciplinary Tribunal in April 2023.

4cminewswire: Dr. Emanuel E. Garcia interviewed Peter shortly after the Tribunal concluded and their conversation may be view above (watch 56 mins)

Dr. Emanuel E. Garcia: I read Peter’s legal brief for the Tribunal, characterised by his customary meticulous presentation of material, and I understood that his concluding submission was a courtroom tour de force, effectively demolishing his critics’ specious arguments.

He and others were optimistic that truth and evidence would prevail and he would be fully exonerated.

I, however, was extremely dubious – not because I had qualms about Peter’s defence, but because I had no trust in the establishment systems, processes and procedures.

Decerning the Signs1
“When the evening comes you say, ‘Ah, fine weather—the sky is red.’ In the morning you say, ‘There will be a storm today, the sky is red and threatening.’
Yes, you know how to interpret the look of the sky
but you have no idea how to interpret the signs of the times!

Dr. Emanuel E. Garcia: An ominous sign was the Tribunal’s refusal to livestream their proceedings in real-time, and another ominous sign was that they failed to render a decision for many months when typically these kinds of matters were resolved within days.

It came as no surprise to me therefore when the Tribunal found against Dr. Canaday, on 21 November 2023.

The NZ Health Practitioners Disciplinary Tribunal Proves Its Corruption

4cminewswire: Dr. Garcia spoke with Dr. Peter Canaday a “Champion of Medical Integrity, Victim of Institutional Injustice ” discussing Tribunal Outcome, and consequences for Peter’s career. VIEW HERE (68 mins)

Dr. Emanuel E. Garcia: I urge all readers to watch attentively and to avail yourselves of the supporting documents posted alongside the video of our conversation and below. I believe you will find that there has indeed been a gross miscarriage of justice.

Rotten Core – Fascist Control

Dr. Emanuel E. Garcia: However, I also believe, quite strongly, that justice cannot be expected from a lawless adversary.

The establishment authorities in Medicine not only here in New Zealand but worldwide, under the aegis of the Federation of State Medical Boards and its international arm, the International Association of Medical Regulatory Agencies, have shown their rottenness – and iron control.

The “fix” was and is “in” and it would be perilously naive for us to expect some sudden enlightenment from these quarters.

Doctors like Peter Canaday, who stepped up to the plate when their wisdom was most in need, have been hounded, harassed, fined and vilified. Instead, they should be crowned with laurels for upholding the principles of their profession, forged over millennia.

In the end, the final court of justice is us – the people – who can see through the operation of a racket hell-bent on instilling fear, undermining rational thought, and shilling for senselessly destructive measures that have caused unnecessary suffering and death.

It may take a while but we will hold them to account.

Pertinent supporting material:


    Subject: mRNA Injectables

    Medical Tribunal NZ. Case: Med23/575P
    Dr Peter Canaday

    Defence by:
    Legal Counsel Mr M McClelland KC and Mr A Holloway/Dr Canaday
    3 April 2023

    Pages: 57 | Filesize: 442 KB
    (PDF download)

  • Closing Submissions for DR Peter Canaday

    Subject: mRNA Injectables
    Medical Tribunal NZ Case: Med23/575P
    Dr Peter Canaday

    Defence by:
    Legal Counsel Mr M McClelland KC and Mr A Holloway/Dr Canaday
    23 April 2023
    Pages: 70 | Filesize: 524 KB
    (PDF download)

  • Canaday Documents Online webinar Notes:
    “COVID-19 and the Pfizer Vaccine: Fact or Fantasy”

    Subject: Notes Summary of Public Appearances by Dr Peter Canaday
    (Aug 19, 2021, through February 7, 2024)

    by Dr Peter Canaday

    Pages: 10 | Filesize: 390 KB
    (PDF download)


    Subject: mRNA Injectables

    Medical Tribunal NZ Case: Med23/575P
    Dr Peter Canaday

    Defence by:
    Legal Counsel Mr M McClelland KC and Mr A Holloway/Dr Canaday

    by HPDT

    Pages: 87 | Filesize: 758 KB
    (PDF download)

About the Author

Emanuel E. Garcia, MD, is a Philadelphia-born psychoanalyst, psychiatrist and author who emigrated to New Zealand in 2006. He retired from psychiatric practice in 2021, refusing to be inoculated, after working in the public sector in New Zealand. Dr. Garcia is a member of New Zealand Doctors Speaking out with Science (NZDSOS) and a member of the TRANSCEND Network for Peace Development Environment.

You can read more about Dr. Garcia’s forced retirement HERE.

Dr. Garica is the author or co-author of several books.  He publishes articles on a Substack page titled ‘NewZealandDoc’ which you can subscribe to and follow HERE.

Acknowledgements of original sources

Dr. Emanuel E. Garcia
- Opposing the Covid Juggernaut with Rational Medical Thinking READ HERE
- My Conversation with Peter Canaday, M.D.: Part 1 VIEW HERE

Voices for Freedom Odysee Channel “COURAGEOUS CONVOS”
- Dr Peter Canaday Presentation plus Q&A 19 August 2021 VIEW HERE

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something that shows the kinds of things that are happening, popular, important, etc., in a culture at a particular period in history. and Matthew 16 vs 2-3

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