MEMBERS OF THE USA CONGRESS THINKS IT IS MANMADE AND REFERRED THIS TO THE DOJ, BUT IT'S BEEN TOO WEAPONISED. So will the new DOJ follow this up? They have 400 solicitors now, they will maybe be> 4000. The swamp is so deep.

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I love that such a young person is so awake and prepared to speak up. I am over 60 and I feel ALL OF US OVER 40 HAVE LET THOSE UNDER 40 DOWN COLLECTIVELY. WE ARE GIVING THEM A FAR LESSER WORLD THAN WE WERE GIVEN.

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https://freespeechisfreedom.substack.com/p/vitamin-d-part-6-how-easily-it-would Vitamin D - Part 6- How easily it would have dealt with Covid. So simple for the Flu and Bird Flu NOW. The big question why did the W.H.O. never get our Vitamin D levels up. Past & now? Criminal?

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https://freespeechisfreedom.substack.com/p/vitamin-d-part-5-the-who-and-the If all we had to do was raise of Vitamin D levels to at least the natural levels of those at the equator/tropics how much longer would lifespans be? Over 15+ major diseases shown, how can this be ignored by the health system? These graphs are hard data. Newsletter & data sources shown. We really have massive problems? https://jefftbowles.com/vitamin-d3-deficiency-causes-most-human-disease/. How many people died earlier than need be? This is one basic and do we have a whole health industry not very aware of this data.

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The use and suppression of Vitamin D pre-WW2, given the effects in the first 3 parts, if it had been used properly since WW2, would maybe > 500 million not need to die earlier than need be?

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At this level of vitamin D, over 30 years did 237 million people die earlier than need be? 59 million x 30 years x 16%

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2 cancers ( breast and colon cancer) and heart disease over 30 years, did 99-124 million people die earlier than need be?

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https://freespeechisfreedom.substack.com/p/the-who-and-the-suppression-of-basics Part 1

1 cancer ( breast) , Australian death data over 30 years extrapolated worldwide over 30 years., did 15 million people die earlier than need be? . Breast cancer incidence is down 83% at 60 ng/ml or 150 nmol/l How do you go and tell all the caring, compassionate people who wear pink and raise money how a simple nutrient could have saved so many and our system did not use it. Seems logical that death rate and incidence are directly proportional.

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Her eyes drift to the right while speaking.

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Not sure what that means. She is now in the spotlight and that's not easy. Possibly will want to be a doctor later and wonder where shes stands there. I am not sure how old she is probably 25-30.

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