2024 JUN 10 Globalist captured Uni-party serve and solely have their master interest and bidding on their minds.
DEMOCRACY STOLEN: "Uni-party" is 100%, Real "Labor / Liberal" a Political Medusa
without prejudice
Democracy and the Australian Government 2024
DESSS (Demigodistic Elitist Sectarian Secret Society) aka “Globalist” Shadow Government have captured Australia’s CGO (Country Gatekeepers Organizations) and our democratic governance system has been hijacked actually correction stolen from the citizens of Australia: the reality of this was carefully blurred until the retirement of John Howard since then the true nature of our Governmental system began to unfold; bit by bit we have in a comatose state seen the lines between a traditional Labor Government and a Liberal Government merging; during the Scott Morrison Government terms that merging accelerated exponentially as a horse heading to the winning post; by the time 2018 was upon us it was clear these two beast were striding intandem as the suppression of free speech exploded thanks to Qantas and Rugby Australia “Izzy Incident”, “Margaret Court Incident”, Labor fanned the attacks and Scott Morrison and his government (crickets crickets crickets) not once defending a long held value of the Liberals Freedom of Speech.
Australian Uniparty:
Global Policy Resolution Directive Implementers of a UN/WEF 4th Reich Socialistic Communistic Unelected Global governance
THREE HEADED PARTY - Political Medusa
The “Izzy Incident”, “Margaret Court Incident”, made many fully realise we had just witnessed the open manifestation of Australia’s Unholy Trinity the Labour/Greens/Liberals the three that became one an “evil Political Medusa”!
Australian Uni-party is a “Political Medusa”
Medusa in action!
Net Zero Carbon Paris Accord:

Medusa in action!
eSafety “Social Media Platform Political Censorship1”

‘Julie Inman Grant (the e-Safety Commissioner) is one of the finest public servants in the employment of the Commonwealth of Australia.’
Australia’s Digital Identity Bill:
Which libs lab/greens independants just rammed through the Senate.
This Australian ID Bill is the process to implement the DESSS Digital ID for total surveillance and controls to all sectors of your ability to live and function in the subjugated society
This is not an Australian Government plan or idea:
Gates Foundation funded this DESSS Digital ID named MOSIP.
Gates Foundation punts MOSIP as: “systems are one of the three pillars of what’s known as “digital public infrastructure (DPI)”; the others are “digital payment systems” and “data exchange systems”. be sure that spells the gateway to tyrannical Global governance!
MOSIP the Global System Design is well and truly in place:
A small but mighty team in India developed this technology for creating national digital ID systems, with funding from our Gates Foundation.
News Flash Since 2018 commenced trials!
Since 2018, 11 countries, nine of them in Africa and two in Asia, have signed memoranda of understanding with MOSIP to pilot the system. More than 90 million people have been registered for MOSIP-based IDs in the Philippines, Ethiopia, and Morocco as part of national deployments. MOSIP is a powerful example of how low- and middle-income countries can harness open-source technology to improve lives and accelerate development. says Gates Foundation
On the Watch List:
1st Nation Recognition/Treaties
Agenda 2030
Agenda 2050
CBDC2 Cashless Society
Global Health Response Treaty3
State sanctioned and funded
Global Banking Control by the unelected via Cashless Society
stealth seizure of Nations sovereignty to the unelected