
When exposing a crime is treated as a crime you are being ruled by criminals!

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Thanks CounterSpin (Kelvyn & Hannah), Liz and Barry appreciate your fight for us Kiwi's and for the truth to be revealed (and it will be 🙏).

Keep up the awesome work, keep exposing....we are behind you 👊

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Alright, 'fess up. Who's paying you to print all those damn commas?

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Great stuff Kelvyn and Hannah,we are all behind you and the team.I have sent an email to Winston Peters cc to you all.Hopefully,his convictions get the better of him and not shy away but, do something to cancel this uncalled for threat by the NZ Health Board through their WHO and WEF polluted Lawyers. Its time he cracks the whip of Integrity and Accountability and get NZ Health to tell the truth and not hide behind some fancy legal clause.

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Thank you so much Kelvyn and Hannah. 💖 From the bottom of my heart I'm so appreciated with everything that you do. Thank you. 🌟👍👏 Cuddles for little Storm. 🤗💖

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