Dr Melissa McCann, BPharm, MBBS, FRACGP, Graduate Certificate of Allergic Diseases
SPECIAL INTERESTS: Special interest in Covid Vaccine injuries
Dr McCann wrote1 of herself the words of Robert Kennedy: Well, this was terrifying, I am not a public speaker but hopefully another tiny ripple.
"Each time a man/woman stands up for an ideal, or acts to improve the lot of others, or strikes out against injustice, he/she sends forth a tiny ripple of hope and crossing each other from a - million different centers of energy and daring, those ripples build a current that can sweep down the mightiest walls of oppression and resistance”. - Robert Kennedy
Dr Melissa McCann unfolds how Dr John Skerritt and the TGA had determined that several previously healthy young children died of COVID-19 vaccine induced myocarditis.
Redacted letters from the TGA to Dr McCann indicated these facts and an admission of wilful concealment.
Dr Melissa McCann is a general practitioner and practice principal of more than 12 years’ experience working in rural general practice settings.
The concealment of vaccine induced deaths by Australian regulators, brought to light in a recent series of conferences presented by Dr McCann and the United Australia Party, has sent shockwaves around the country.
United Australia Party Chairman, Clive Palmer, praised the courage of the medical experts who spoke at the sold-out conferences, which were attended by many thousands of concerned Australians.
Referring to a current article by one of the key speakers, renowned American cardiologist Dr Peter McCullough, Mr Palmer said the exposure of “wilful concealment” by the TGA should be greatly concerning for all Australians.
Dr McCollough wrote:
“In an explosive set of public lectures, crowded halls filled with thousands of Australians learned from Dr Melissa McCann (BPharm, MBBS, FRACGP), who also holds a Graduate Certificate of Allergic Disease, that Dr John Skerritt and the TGA had determined that several previously healthy young children died of COVID-19 vaccine induced myocarditis. Redacted letters from the TGA to Dr McCann indicated these facts and an admission of wilful concealment.
“The dossier included letters of concern from Dr McCann, other doctors, and the responses from Skerritt. Alarmingly, Skerritt and the TGA did not want to go public with these cases in order; to keep the vaccine campaign going without “vaccine hesitancy” among a weary public who were witnessing countless injuries, disabilities, and deaths with repeated injections.
Dr McCann showed each letter and the causality determination with the vignette of victim after victim.”
Clive Palmer Said:
The huge public response to the Australian vaccine and effects conferences highlighted the public’s concern in the breach of public safety by the TGA. “I commend those Australians who voted with their feet in attending these conferences and the brave medical experts for sharing their expertise in bringing these important matters into the public domain,” Mr Palmer said.
Dr Melissa McCann is not a bureaucratic desk jockey she is an Experience qualified coal face medical practitioner with 12 years as a general practitioner and practice principal whose first hand been confronted by patients presenting from serious covid-19 vaccine injuries; Melissa McCann chose not to hide in the trenches of the Official Government claims of safety and efficacy for these c19 vaccines; that being such a cowards pathway of least resistance fiscal security and continuity of income and maintaining of a practice licence from APHRA
Melissa clearly took the oath “Do No Harm” seriously and had the moral fibre to refuse to echo the official narrative at the safety and wellbeing of her patients. When the lights went on for Dr McCann concerning this vaccine and the rollout, she had only one course of action that was liveable with “Tell the Truth”.
I can confidently say if you had spoken to Dr McCann early 2019 none of the events of 2020-23 would have been in her imaginations nor the reality of public speaking to thousands of Australian not once but multiple times and multiple states. The organic rise to public window is destiny and God always raises up deliverers for his people Champions for that which, is right!
The fall of the medical practitioner.
And, he said to them, “I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven. Luke 10:18 My ode and lament was/is/are of the thousands of practitioners who were/are bereft of any moral fibre of any worth and utterly bankrupt of courage that they willingly sacrificed my safety and well being to ensure their fiscal career securities were safe.
Dr Melissa McCann
→ Location: Shop B6/8 Galbraith Park Rd, Cannonvale QLD 4802
→ Tel: 61 07 4948 3323
→ Fax: 61 07 4948 3536
→ Twitter Handle: @drmelissamccann
→ Email: info@whitsundayfamilypractice.com.au
→ www: www.whitsundayfamilypractice.com.au
2023 FEB 15 Australia’s Dr Melissa McCann reveals Vax Induced Myocarditis Wilful Concealment by Skerritt and TGA