
2023 AUG 19 Part One: What Caused the Deadly Maui Fires?


Definitely More Questions than Answers


» August 8, 2023, wildfires broke out in the western part of Maui, burning down an estimated 2,000 acres, including the historical port town of Lahaina, where most of the buildings were destroyed, including many of the homes of its 13,000 residents, many of whom are indigenous and have lived there for generations.

» The fire was fuelled by hurricane-strength winds of 60 to 90 mph from Hurricane Dora, which passed some 500 miles south of Hawaii.

» Four years ago, Clay Trauernicht, an environmental management expert, warned that allowing nonnative, highly flammable grassland savannas take over native ecosystems was worsening the risk of devastating wildfires.

» As Hurricane Dora was approaching, local news predicted the risk of fire would be high due to downed powerlines, dry brush, and low humidity. Maui residents are now suing the power company for keeping “powerlines energized during forecasted high fire danger conditions”.

» Some people, including Maui residents, suspect a directed energy weapon was used to set Lahaina ablaze to facilitate a land grab. Residents have long resisted offers to sell their land, and private land developers are already making offers to purchase their scorched properties.

August 8, 2023, multiple wildfires broke out in the western and central parts of Maui, burning down an estimated 2,000 acres, including the historical port town of Lahaina. Strangely enough, satellite images show the fires all began around the same time.

The fires — fuelled by hurricane-strength 60 to 90 mph winds from Hurricane Dora, which passed some 500 miles south of Hawaii1 — ripped across the landscape at a pace of 1 mile per minute (that's 60 mph folks).2  


Why wasn't Sirens and or a cellphone alert dispatched?

THE ALERT SYSTEM -  80 sirens across Maui and or Cellphone Alert System

"Neither Maui nor HI-EMA activated warning sirens on Maui during the wildfire incident," Hawaii Emergency Services Administration (HEMA) said3 Friday.

“They had no record of any warning sirens with Maui's Emergency Alert System being triggered on Tuesday,” department spokesperson Adam Weintraub said.

The system, which includes 80 sirens across Maui, is intended to prod people to seek more specific emergency information through forms of communication, such as online or television or radio broadcasts.

Maui County Emergency Management Agency (MCEMA) was also asked why the outdoor sirens were not triggered MCEMA had yet to respond at time of publication Friday.

In addition to the fire's rapid spread, the local warning system also failed. As a result, many residents didn't realize they were in danger until smoke billowed into their homes.

The death toll appears to have been further exacerbated by the fact that schools closed, and children were sent home.

Many parents remained at work, and because the warning sirens didn't go off, many children were burned alive in their own homes.

Maui Emergency Management Agency: MEMA
Physical Address:
200 S High St, Kalana O Maui Bldg, 1st Fl Wailuku, HI 96793 |
Phone: (808) 270-7285 | Fax: (808) 270-7275

RELATED VIDEO: Maui emergency management director resigns citing health reasons amid fierce criticism. (2023 AUG 18)

Herman Andaya has faced fierce criticism for failing to activate disaster sirens during last week’s wildfire response. He says the sirens would have caused further panic and driven residents towards the fire. Full story

Main Editorial: According to Gov. Josh Green, the warning sirens may have been "immobilized" by heat from the fire, but the exact cause for the failure is still under investigation.4

However, Maui also has a cellphone alert system.

You may recall Maui residents received a false alert on their phones about an inbound missile threat five years ago.5

Even if the sirens had been destroyed by fire, why wasn't a cellphone alert dispatched?

Part One | Part Two (coming soon) | Part Three (coming soon)


Original Source Main Underlying Editorial: “What Caused the Deadly Maui Fires?” Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola August 19, 2023, READ FULL ARTICLE HERE

Original Source Video/Editorial: Maui emergency management director (Herman Andaya) resigns citing health reasons amid fierce criticism. (2023 AUG 18) WATCH/READ HERE

Original Source Video/Editorial: Hawaii's emergency warning sirens weren't activated to alert residents, agency says WATCH/READ HERE

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