2022 NOV 25 Au Public Servants continue to withhold Ivermectin IVM to 25m+ Aussies. A SAFE medication that’s demonstrated an 83% positive Early Treatment Outcomes against C19
“Malfeasance and/or Crimes Against Humanity”?
I feel Australians have past “Please Explain” concerning Ivermectin and John Skerritt (TGA), Brendon Murphy (DoH Sec), and Paul Kelly (CMO)
Legacy Media and Government Public Servants aka (Bureaucrats) in Australia Have Not Told the Australian Population:
Image Source: Here
EXCERPT FROM1 “The Truth About Ivermectin”
Epoch Times: The World Health Organization listed ivermectin as an essential drug and has advised many countries to run annual campaigns to rid people of these parasites. Such recommendations are a solid testament to ivermectin’s safety.
For their work, including the discovery of avermectin, in 2015, Omura and Campbell were among three recipients of the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine.
It is an indispensable drug for the underdeveloped world, with about 3.7 billion doses administered as part of global campaigns during the past 30 years.2
To this day, ivermectin remains a staple drug of tropical areas and an essential drug in treating onchocerciasis, lymphatic filariasis, strongyloidiasis, and scabies.
Ivermectin and COVID-19
Prophylaxis intervenes in the first phases of COVID-19 infection, which is mainly asymptomatic, when the virus replicates to increase its viral load—symptom onset occurs after the viral load peaks.3 Ivermectin can be effective in the early stages of infection. Outside the cells, ivermectin4 can attach to parts of the virus, immobilizing it and preventing it from entering and infecting human cells.
Ivermectin can also enter the cell to prevent the virus from replicating. SARS-CoV-2 needs cell replication machinery to make more of the virus; ivermectin attaches and blocks a protein critical to this process, preventing viral production.
Additionally, ivermectin can be absorbed from the skin and stored in fat cells for a long time.
“Because it’s lipid soluble, it is stored and slowly released, [so] once you’ve taken a prophylactic dose, and I think it’s like the cumulative dose of about 400mg, that your risk of getting COVID is close to zero and you can actually stop it for a while,” said Dr. Paul Marik, a widely published critical care specialist with 500 peer-reviewed papers to his name.
Image Source: Here
EARLY TREATMENT USING IVERMECTIN in combination with Zinc, Vitamin C and D3 has been prescribed by a massive number of highly qualified physicians around the globe because:
Ivermectin was adopted for early treatment in all or part of 22 countries (39 including non-government medical organizations)
Image Source: Here
John Skerritt (TGA), Brendon MURPHY (DoH Sec), and Paul Kelly (CMO) and many more … office bearers
Personally, for me it’s well overdue for these actors to have their toes placed on the grill as it were; their malfeasance cannot be allowed to continue; on that would be a crime in itself
Australian-Nuremberg 2.0 ~
“War For The World”:
War Crimes will be investigate and these courts will bring Justice against any criminal actions
#WeThePeople of Australia will demand this take place.
STUDY PAPER: Use of Ivermectin Is Associated With Lower Mortality in Hospitalized Patients With Coronavirus Disease 2019 | SEE URL: https://journal.chestnet.org/article/S0012-3692(20)34898-4/fulltext | DOI: 10.1016/j.chest.2020.10.009 | DOI URL: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chest.2020.10.009 | Author: Juliana Cepelowicz Rajter, Michael S. Sherman, Naaz Fatteh, Fabio Vogel, Jamie Sacks, Jean-Jacques Rajter, | Publisher: Journal Chest | Published: October 12, 2020 | Filename: PIIS0012369220348984 (1).pdf | Filesize: 251 MB | Pages: 8 | Download PDF Copy: xx
STUDY PAPER: SARS-CoV-2 viral load peaks prior to symptom onset: a systematic review and individual-pooled analysis of coronavirus viral load from 66 studies | Preprint from medRxiv | SEE URL: https://europepmc.org/article/ppr/ppr220789 | DOI: 10.1101/2020.09.28.20202028 | DOI URL: https://doi.org/10.1101/2020.09.28.20202028 | PPR: PPR220789 | PMID: x | PMID URL: x | Author: Benefield AE, Skrip LA, Clement A, Althouse RA, Chang S, Althouse BM | Publisher: Europe PMC | Published: 30 Sep 2020 | Filename: europepmc.org-SARS-CoV-2 viral load peaks prior to symptom onset a systematic review and individual-pooled analysis.pdf | Filesize: 1.78 MB | Pages: 28 | Download PDF Copy: xx
STUDY PAPER: The mechanisms of action of ivermectin against SARS-CoV-2—an extensive review | SEE URL: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41429-021-00491-6 |Author: Asiya Kamber Zaidi & Puya Dehgani-Mobaraki | Publisher: Nature/ Journal of Antibiotics | Published: 21 December 2021 | Filename: s41429-021-00491-6.pdf | Filesize: 1.64 MB | Pages: 12 | Download PDF Copy: xx