2022 NOV 24 Fifty-Four (54) Years in Service unfettered corruption that peaked in a Global Genocidal Plot
RT India1 reports: Fauci’s ‘Final Message to 🇺🇸: White House Chief Medical Adviser Retires after 54 Years in Service
In his final words before leaving his role, Fauci declared that unvaccinated Americans remain a “real danger.” He also reiterated "the importance of getting an updated booster vaccine" as the 🇺🇸 heads into Thanksgiving holidays.
Dr. Anthony Fauci, who retires in December, said he would like to be remembered as someone who “gave it all” throughout his career.
I am amazed this guy is incredibly deluded I would suggest when the veil is fully pulled back on Fauci’s activities will see him remembered as is the “Evil Joseph Mengele is remembered Doctor Death, a Frankenstein Monster and mass murderer” reincarnate Dr. Death Inc.
Remembered As: Megalomaniac Psychopathic Doctor Death Inc.
I feel are more fitting this career of Medical Scientific Corruptions as I bear in mind true scientists and researchers’ testimony on Fauci’s actions during his career, what was said about him indicated that he’s been a prime mover in actions which resulted in millions have been inflicted with medical injuries and some sadly death.
Dr Ardis some time ago revealed to the Corona Investigative Committee based out of Germany that Remdesivir that was introduced by Fauci to the Covid Treatment Plan Dr. Ardis revealed this drug kills not cure and is a medication that was introduced in trials by Fauci with Ebola and that saw many recipients suffering major organ failures and death; remdesivir was withdrawn from the trial and use UNTIL the clone of Mengele put it on the public use during COVID.
Fauci’s remarks about the unvaxxed is pure evil and has absolutely nothing to do with medical understanding or hold any scientific basis (Fauci declared that unvaccinated Americans remain a “real danger.” This is a most divisive remark which has only one purpose is to foster a scapegoat the vaxxed are to blame for the demise of health the vaxxed are heading towards as, a result of having this mNRA injectable very devilish behaviour.
Dr. Death Inc. (Fauci reiterated "the importance of getting an updated booster vaccine") this I believe has absolutely nothing to medical understanding or hold any scientific basis; this only demonstrates the criminal behaviour.
Why you ask?
Well the EU, UK and US adverse events registers indicate millions have died as a result of this vaccine trial millions have permanent serious medical injuries resulted from injectables the evidence is past significant! its “Damming Evidence” about these injectables.
The continued promotion by Fauci condemns Fauci “Doctor Death Inc.”
I feel there’s real grounds to nick name this egotistical character “DOCTOR DEATH Inc.” the drum beat amongst the awakened is Fauci has to face prosecution for “Crimes Against Humanity” Nuremberg 2.0 (United States)
SEE URL: https://t.me/rtnews/32791