2024 OCT 06 HISTORY of UK and EU's journey up Renewables Fools-Mountain should be teaching AU not to go that way of imminent doom on Fool’s Mountain

RENEWABLE POWER SYSTEM: independent energy expert, reveals Fool’s Mountain

without prejudice


\(Cost..Of.. Net..Zero..$000,000,000,000:00\)

RENEWABLE POWER SYSTEM has left Consumers now paying several times over for every megawatt instead of just paying your power plant for its megawatts.

HISTORY: of UK and EU should be teaching Australia Labor Government but NO its hell bent repeating to drag the Australia around the same fool’s mountain of UN / WEF Agenda 21, Agenda 2030

Consumers now pay several times over for every megawatt… So instead of just paying your power plant for its megawatts, now you're having to pay all these other things, capacity market, extra grid connections, extra balancing costs, all, of this that you didn't have before.” Kathryn Porter.

Acknowledgement Original Sources

VID PODCAST Credit to YT-user: Unlocking the Energy Trilemma | YT-handle: @UnlockingtheEnergyTrilemma | YT-tagline: 009 - Are Interconnections Enough? Exploring Reliable Alternatives for Energy Transition | YT-clip: m2svaFA | YT-date-(AWST): 2024 OCT 06.

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