without prejudice
Assurance vs. Verification
Which came first egg or chicken? biologists state unequivocally that the egg came first but at day (1) of Chicken grows to Chooks where did the egg come from
Digital ID for Social Media Which came first Assurance or Verification
The potential Slippery slope:
(1st) Digital ID Verification that allows Assurance
(2nd) Under 16 ban on social-media
(3rd) Restrict or Ban for Mis/Disinformation on social-media
(4th) Access/Use of All Gov (Federal/State Agencies/Services)
(5th) Digital ID issued at registration of Birth
(6th) Cradle to Grave: Track, Trace, Punish, Control or worse
Digital ID Verification provides the secondary product “Assurance of Age” to access social media. The truth is purely “MANDATORY DIGITAL ID” by stealth only if we are stupid enough to allow these practitioners of deceit continue any further.
Age verification provides Age Assurance & Mandatory Gov. Digital ID
Polity & Bureaucrats are Practitioner’s of :
Deceit, Guile and Dissemblance.
“Social Media Age Verification” is the Albanese/Dutton UNIPARTY/DUOPOLY guile deceit and dissemblance ruse to change “Voluntary” Australian Governments Digital ID System to “MANDATORY”
This was never about protecting children this is the ruse to change “Voluntary” Digital ID System that provides Australians secure, convenient, and inclusive way of verifying their identity online. “MANDATORY”
AU Government website: “Digital ID System that provides Australians with a “VOLUNTARY”, secure, convenient, and inclusive way of verifying their identity online.”
"Everyone will have to go through AGE VERIFICATION process ", "Yes" said Labor Jenny McAllister Albanese's Social media ban requires everyone's Age verification by Labor before you can access social media. You will need Labors permission to access your accounts.
"Everyone will have to go through AGE VERIFICATION process ", "Yes" said Labor Jenny McAllister Albanese's Social media ban requires everyone's Age verification by Labor before you can access social media. You will need Labors permission to access your accounts.
Facebook users in AU Est. (16.65m)
Flickr users in AU Est. (450k)
GAB users in AU Est.
Gettr users in AU Est.
iMessage users in AU Est. (8.3m)
Instagram users in AU Est. (12.97m)
LinkedIn users in AU Est. (15m)
Messenger users in AU Est. (14.3m)
MeWe users in AU Est.
Pinterest users in AU Est. (6m)
Roblox users in AU Est.
SafeChat users in AU Est.
Signal users in AU Est.
Snapchat users in AU Est. (7.85m)
Telegram users in AU Est.
TikTok users in AU Est. (9.73m)
Tinder users in AU Est. (4m)
Truth Social users in AU Est.
Tumblr users in AU Est. (3.7m)
WeChat users in AU Est. (2.9m)
WhatsApp users in AU Est. (9.32m)
XAPiT users in AU Est.
YouTube users in AU Est. (20.8m)
𝕏 users in AU Est. (6.10m)
Acknowledgement Original Sources
Credit to 𝕏user: Step and fetch | 𝕏handle: @FetchStep | 𝕏tagline: | 𝕏clip: 1855463809160216751 | 𝕏time-(AWST): 12:13 PM | 𝕏date-(AWST): Nov 10, 2024 | 𝕏post: 1855463809160216751
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