2024 FEB 15 VIC AU; Local SS-Ober-Sturmbannführer City Council interrogator, the question is who was; the SS-Oberst-Gruppenführer that decided to prosecute the “GOOD CITIZEN” Adam Marsal

Frankston City Council: Good Citizen & Deeds Should Be Rewarded Not Prosecuted

without prejudice

Vee Vill ask Ze Question’ss:

Good Citizens of Frankston: here’s some questions that should be asked and transparently answered!

WHO decided to prosecute the “GOOD CITIZEN” Adam Marsal for $11,000

WHO then decided to commence what would appear to be a vindictive potential campaign to strike back at Adam Marsal after he went public and exposed “Frankston City Council Gestapo Management”

WHO authorised that request to inspect his own personal property.

WHO pulled the pin after the media contacted them and asked question concerning a highly questionable inspection notice of Adam Marsal property

Frankston City Council: 30 Davey St, Frankston VIC 3199
Phone: 1300 322 322 or Phone: 03 9768 1451 Email: info@frankston.vic.gov.au

Mayor Cr Nathan Conroy
Phone: 03 9768 1451

Acknowledgements of Original Sources

Credit to: news.com.au - Australia

Credit to: nypost.com - United States of America

Credit to: 9now.nine.com.au - Australia

Credit to: dailymail.co.uk - United Kingdom

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