2023 NOV 09 COVERUP OF THE CENTURY C19 Injectables Inquiry” a “Perpetrators Protection Racket” for Australia’s State Premiers, Chief Ministers, Health Ministers, and Chief Medical Officers and that’s

Cover-up of Gross Violations of Human Rights clear Crimes Against Humanity

Reckless, Irresponsible, Criminal Action

Pauline Hanson said to Chris Kenny Sky news:

“Albanese is running a protection racket, shielding those responsible for the oppression and overreach we witnessed from governments during the Covid era.”

Labor's inquiry is a sham. - Pauline Hanson said.
Meaning Sham:
Fake, Bogus, Fraudulent Masquerade that’s Yeap that’s Albanese’s C19 Injectables Inquiry

Only an inquiry with the powers of a Royal Commission can ensure a proper investigation is conducted, and those accountable for wrongdoing are held responsible.

That is what One Nation is fighting for, that is why One Nation successfully referred inquiry into COVID Royal Commission terms of references to the Senate legal committee for consideration and a report.

One Nation will not cease its efforts until justice is achieved.

what the people of australia demand and deserve

What Australian Citizens Want!

Prime Minister Must establish a Royal Commission with exhaustive powers to investigate all rabbit holes regarding “All things Covid” and a Commission with real teeth to refer for:

  • Criminal Offence: referred to AG for Prosecution

  • Nuremberg Code Crimes: referred to “Au Prosecuting Tribunal -Nuremberg 2”

Royal Commission: “All things Covid”

Scope Investigation of all things C19 and C19 Injectables, C19 Mandates, C19 Lockdown.

In-depth investigation that looks and all Decision-making bodies that played influence in All Decisions and policies that were enacted enforced or decreed as LAW.

Suggest Investigation List of first cabs off the rank players concerning “All things Covid”.


TGA: Therapeutic Goods Administration
ATAGI: Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation
AHPRA: Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency
NCIRS: National Centre for Immunisation Research and Surveillance
ACV: Advisory Committee on Vaccines
AusVaxSafety: Arm of NCIRS
Australian Regional Immunisation Alliance


· Prime Ministers

· Cabinet Ministers

(Prime Ministers Secret Deliberation Covert Decision-Making Body)

· Back-Bench Ministers

· Covid Advisory Board
(Prime Minister All things Covid Decision-Making Body)

· Constabulary - Policing
(Overreach, Politicized Decision Making, Excessive Enforcement Force)

· Judiciary - Politicized Decision Making, Corrupt manipulations of Law,
Deliberate Omissions Processes of Law


· Premiers or Chief Ministers

· Cabinet Ministers

· Back Bench Ministers

· Department of Health: (C19 Injectables Rollouts Management Teams)

· Constabulary - Policing
(Overreach, Politicized Decision Making, Excessive Enforcement Force)

· Judiciary - Politicized Decision Making, Corrupt manipulations of Law,
Deliberate Omissions Processes of Law

The next Layer would have to be:

Corporate Big Business:
Pseudo Gov. Policy Maker Mandating C19 Injectables “No Jab No Job” policy.

Mainstream Media:
Acting as Gov. Propaganda Ministry and Censors & Deplatform Machine.

Big Tech Social Media:
- acting as Gov. Propaganda Ministry and Censors & Deplatform Machine.

Note: its not exhaustive I’m confident there a lot more that should join these Players to investigate what part did they play in “All things Covid”.


X post (Pauline Hanson Oz) See Posting HERE

X post (Pauline Hanson Oz) original clip source WATCH HERE

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