2023 FEB 21 Kiwi On the ground in Napier Tim Baker reports body count in Hawkes Bay is Huge


→ Hastings Morgue Full

→Temp Morgue at the Port Full

→ Expect a Dead toll of 1000 or more.


Original Source CLIP 01:  Tim Baker Hawks Bay VIEW HERE.

Original Source CLIP 021:  Tim Baker Hawks Bay VIEW HERE.

Original Source CLIP 03:  Tim Baker Hawks Bay VIEW HERE.

Original Source CLIP 04:  Tim Baker Hawks Bay VIEW HERE.

Original Source CLIP 05:  Tim Baker Hawks Bay VIEW HERE.

Original Source CLIP 06:  Tim Baker Hawks Bay VIEW HERE.

Original Source CLIP 07:  Tim Baker Hawks Bay VIEW HERE.


There’s ‘a similar story about a higher than reported body count from multiple sources.

4cminewswire’s Newsletter
2023 FEB 20 Rescue Helicopter Pilots grim reports indicate an exponential death count will come for Hawkes Bay.
EYEWITNESS reports there’s “HUNDREDS OF DEAD BODIES” The pilot spoke to a contact of DTNZ (Daily Telegraph New Zealand) on condition of anonymity. He told our contact the rivers and flooded areas were ‘littered with bodies floating in the water’ and that these were New Zealand’s ‘darkest days…
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4cminewswire’s Newsletter
2023 FEB 21 HAWKES BAY devastated by CYCLONE GABRIELLE. Official Death Report 11; reliable source says at least 40 bodies so far in a makeshift morgue at the Napier Port
NEW ZEALAND: the aftermath of the Cyclone that last week wrecked havoc and destruction has yet to be fully realised. Thousands of New Zealanders are daily battling with the left-over signatures …
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2023 FEB 22 Meg Gianna Facebook post.


Heard a heartfelt msg from a friend on the ground in Napier.  Her army friend says it’s worse than anything he saw in Iraq or Afghanistan- “it’s a war zone”.

Hospital morgue full

Temp morgue at port full (under military guard)

Funeral homes busy ferrying bodies to Palmy Nth to cope

No body bags available

Heaps of RSE workers unaccounted for - likely asleep at time it hit.

Dentists there flat out trying to match dental records with those of bodies not otherwise identifiable due to poundings and impact of water/heat these past 6 days.

Locals can’t fathom why govt & media are downplaying the seriousness of the crisis. 

This may be NZs worst disaster (Erebus had 297 lives lost)  Those older than 50 will remember those famous words: “an orchestrated litany of lies”.

No one can fathom  why there’s no serious assistance from govt.

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