2023 AUG 03 Stephen Dixon (GBN Live) and US. Political Analyst Dr Jan Halper-Hayes talk Trump

“Biden” “Trump” "USA Inc. Bankrupted" “Queen” "Vatican" "Gold" “Vatican, Crown, and US. 1871 Treaty”


U.S. Political analyst, Jan Halper-Hayes, argues that anyone who doesn't think that the prosecutors have the 'real results' from the election are 'fooling themselves'

Halper-Hayes said:

“Biden is the President of the Bankrupt "Corporation" which was created as part of the Treaty of 1871 with VATICAN, CROWN, AND USA. Unknow to the people of America the incumbent Government turned USA. into a corporation done to pay the debt owe in the CIVIL WAR.

Halper-Hayes went on to say:

The Deepstates been set up to reveal itself, Trump has held back the evidence of the stolen election as he wants the people America understand what these crooks had intended for the people of America


FULL GB NEWS morning Breakfast with Stephen and Ellie Show WATCH HERE

GBN Stephen and Ellie with Jan Halper-Hayes Segment WATCH HERE

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