without prejudice
In this presentation Sydney White connects the dots of the World's artificial monetary system, debt slavery, the Bank of Canada, and the private banks in power...
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Sydney White is an activist, journalist and professor that teaches studies in propaganda at the Free University of Toronto, Canada.
White explains the history and methods of the elite and the money system that is used to keep humanity as debt slaves. A brilliant lesson in history from ancient times through the Middle Ages and up to present days.
Sydney White is a veteran investigative reporter and senior alumni of the University of Toronto.
Acknowledgement Original Sources
Media Presentation Credit to Sydney White YT-user: Studies In Propaganda | YT-handle: @StudiesInPropaganda | YT-tagline: MYTHS ABOUT MONEY | YT-clip: jt1IbciGAfk | YT-date-(AWST): 2003 NOV 24 c | 4CM-notes: video cover created by 4cminewswire
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