Opinions: “without prejudice”
Cooking the Books2 Creative Accounting3
1.4 We've called out the statistical illusion whereby a useless vaxx against a disease seems highly effective if those infected shortly after vaxx are classed as unvaxxed. New paper with @MartinNeil9 @LawHealthTech shows how widespread this 'cheap trick' is for covid vaxx studies.
2.5 We did a systematic review of all covid vaxx studies and found 39 that suffered from some form of the 'cheap trick'. Here is the full paper preprint.
3.6 And here is a video explaining the cheap trick
DOI:10.13140/RG.2.2.15216.67846 | PDF Copy: https://t.me/FOURCMVAULT/389
The extent and impact of vaccine status miscategorisation on covid-19 vaccine efficacy studies7
Craig Kelly8 shared X-post WHAT A SCAM: Professor Norman Fenton exposes the fraud & statistical tricks used by the vaccine fanatics to falsely claim efficacy of the injections.
The trick was to classify those injected within the previous 14-28 days as "unvaccinated".
This way, those injured by the vaccine and report their injury 14-28 after being injected are falsely classified as "unvaccinated" - thereby hiding the cause of their injury and creating a fake impression of efficacy.
Just another part of the Covid scam.
Don’t expect Professor Fenton’s work to reported by the ABC or any other mainstream media.
Download PDF Copy: https://t.me/FOURCMVAULT/389
Acknowledgements Original Source
CLIP: The vaccine efficacy illusion revisited. YT9: Norman Fenton.
X-post: Prof Norman Fenton (Statistical illusion whereby a useless vaxx against a disease seems highly effective if those infected shortly after vaxx are classed as Unvaxxed.)
ResearchGate (paper): The extent and impact of vaccine status miscategorisation on covid-19 vaccine efficacy studies | DOI:10.13140/RG.2.2.15216.67846 | PDF Copy: https://t.me/FOURCMVAULT/389
cook the books: idiomatic phrase merriam-webster.com informal. : to alter official accounting records in order to deceive or mislead. Congress cooked the books with phony spending cuts and accounting gimmickry to appear to reduce the federal deficit
creative accounting: The terms "innovative" or "aggressive" are also sometimes used. Another common synonym is "cooking the books". Creative accounting is oftentimes used in tandem with outright financial fraud (including securities fraud), and lines between the two are blurred. en.wikipedia.org
SEE X-post URL: https://x.com/profnfenton/status/1766423492570849423?s=20
SEE X-post URL: https://x.com/profnfenton/status/1766423490633007395?s=20
SEE X-post URL: https://x.com/profnfenton/status/1766423492570849423?s=20
Published by ResearchGate: March 2024 | DOI:10.13140/RG.2.2.15216.67846
by Martin Neil (m.neil@qmul.ac.uk); School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science; Queen Mary, University of London. | by Norman Fenton (n.fenton@qmul.ac.uk); School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science; Queen Mary, University of London. | by Scott McLachlan (scott.mclachlan@kcl.ac.uk); School of Nursing, Midwifery and Palliative Care; Kings College London. Pages: 9 | Filesize: 401 KB | Download PDF Copy: https://t.me/FOURCMVAULT/389
X-post by Craig Kelly SEE URL: https://x.com/CraigKellyPHON/status/1766491059281141929?s=20
2024 Mar 09 Prof Norman Fenton exposes the fraud (aka Cooking the Books) and statistical tricks used to falsely claim vax efficacy.