2023 SEP 03 What is it about these politicians that don’t understand when #WeThePeople say “NO”
Now Peter Dutton has committed to hold a 2nd referendum to recognise Indigenous people in the Constitution.
Maybe we should make them pay for their referendums out of their own personal finances?
HERE’S A PLAN: #StopTheRotSackTheLot and #No23au
Why because the principles behind #VoiceToParliament are just plain wrong, racist, and divisive. #VoteNO23Australia #VoteNoToApartheid
THESE POLITICIANS NEED TO CATCH UP WITH THE NEWS: #WeThePeople are no longer asleep #StopTheRotSackTheLot
HEADLINER: Peter Dutton Vows Second Referendum if Voice Fails.
Rhiannon Down of “the Australian” reports: Opposition Leader Peter Dutton has committed to hold a second referendum to recognise Indigenous people in the Constitution if October’s referendum on the voice fails.
“We went to the last election, and a number of elections before that, with that as our policy and that will be our policy going into the next election as well,” he told Sky News.
JUST A THOUGHT: Who Built the Australia We Enjoy Today.
→ “I think it's right and respectful to recognise Indigenous Australians in the Constitution, we will work with the Labor Party to find a common ground.
“But the Prime Minister having this dummy spit, it reminds me of Kevin Rudd, this is the greatest moral challenge of our time, but if you don't get your own way, then everyone else can bugger off.”
→ Mr Dutton doubled down on his pledge to hold a second voice referendum, saying that the model Australians will vote on when October 14 comes will divide Australians.
» “Yes, I believe very strongly that is the right thing to do,” he said. «
All Politicians Listen Carefully and that includes you @PeterDutton_MP
Peter Dutton said: “But enshrining a voice in the Constitution is divisive, it will divide the country down the middle, it will not provide practical outcomes. “It will change the way of government very significantly because of the broad words.
Dutton also said: The Prime Minister is proposing to put into the constitution against legal advice, and I think it would grind the process of government decision-making to a near halt and I think we would change our country quite dramatically. And that's why people, including one in three Labor voters, don't support the voice.”
#StopTheRotSackTheLot that includes @PeterDutton_MP
This recognition rhetoric is pure garbage how many times do politicians need to grovel shed croc tears etc saying Sorry for humans hundreds of years ago. We are all victims of lying cheating politicians & ruling class elite of now.
The Voice is No Different.
The Australian Editorial by Rhiannon Down Published 2023 SEP 03 “Politics Now: Dutton vows second referendum if voice fails READ HERE