2023 NOV 28 Alan Jones and Craig Kelly refreshed our memories that the nation of Australia was subjected to and victims of the “Greatest Crime ever Perpetrated in Australian History.


They censored and banned Kelly and Jones previous interviews, and deplatformed them both. But now they are back, and they are coming after the Malfeasant’s.


Alan Jones refreshed our memories that the nation of Australia was subjected and victims of the “Greatest Crime ever Perpetrated in Australian History.

My Opinion:

A Cabal of Strategically Placed (Federal and State) Government Ministers and Medial Bureaucrats were aided by pseudo–Gov. Regulatory Agencies such as TGA, ATAGI & AHPRA to commit a Combination of Criminal Violations of the Highest Order that are frankly Unforgivable.  

These violations abused the Australian citizenry’s “Human Rights” and even more egregious Criminal Violations centered on the “Nuremberg Code” (All Articles) therefore must answer for:

→ “Crimes against Humanity”!

→ “Genocidal Murder”!

Craig Kelly UAP said to Alan Jones:

“When questioned in federal parliament the Australian Therapeutic Goods Administrations conspicuously close relationship to Big Pharma during the vaccine rollout, YouTube censored it.”

That is "unprecedented, I think, in any of our western democracies," Kelly said.


The full episode by Alan Jones on Tuesday 28th Nov is available to WATCH HERE
Alan Jones leads into the Covid segment with Craig Kelly at the [28.40-minute-mark]


- by the Australian Government, Legacy Media & BigTech

Craig Kelly UAP National Director • UAP • Sydney posted on X platform @CKellyUAP these comments:

Kelly said;

→ “At the Height of the Covid Madness, Alan Jones recorded an interview with the World’s Leading Cardiologist, Dr. Peter McCullough from Texas.”

→ “Sky News pulled the interview, refusing to allow it to be broadcast.”

→ “Sky in Australia were terrified on being banned by Facebook and YouTube.”

→ “Foreign Tech giants with financial ties to Big Pharma were controlling what news and opinions Australian could hear.”

(A. M. O. A. R.)  
- Australian Mother of all Revelations!

Secret Gov. Unit:
Waged a Censorship War Against Its Citizenry.

UAP National Director Craig Kelly said” The Liberal Government of Scott Morrison set up a secret unit within the Department and used Australian taxpayer funds to help these foreign Tech giants to censor Australians.


CRAIG KELLY UAP National Director (Handle: CKellyUAP) X-post READ HERE

ADH TV AUSTRALIA (Handle: adhtvaus) X-video-clip WATCH HERE

WATCH.ADH.TV Allan Jones Show Watch Full Episode WATCH HERE

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