2022 NOV 28 Two Big Bad Wolves Started the pattern of Branding Critical Thinkers as "conspiracy theorists" to Control Narratives
US. GOVERNMENT and its BLACK SHADOW the CIA (the year 1961-73)
US. Government:
Presidents: from 1961 – 1974: John F. Kennedy, Lyndon B Johnson and Richard Nixon: 35th President of USA was John F. Kennedy (JFK) 1961 – 1963, Nov 22 and on the very day President John F Kennedy was declared dead Vice President Lyndon Baines Johnson (LBJ) was sworn in as the 36th President of USA 1963, Nov 22 and remained President until 1969, Jan 20 when Richard Nixon won the presidential race to become the 37th President he took office 1969, Jan 20 until 1974, Aug 9
Black Shadow:
CIA Directors from 1961 – 1973 John McCone, William F Raborn, Richard M. Helms and James R. Schlesinger: The CIA Directors during this time frame was John McCone was 6th Director of Central Intelligence CIA in 1961, Nov 28 – 1965, April 28; next was William F Raborn, he was 7th Director of Central Intelligence CIA in 1965, April 28 – 1966, June 30, Richard M. Helms was 8th Director of Central Intelligence CIA in 1966, Jun 30 – 1973, Feb 2 and James R. Schlesinger was 9th Director of Central Intelligence CIA in 1973, Feb 2.
CIA Memo 1967 regarding the Assassination of JFK
A well-regarded member in the Social media alternative News of the Intel Community said “Research yields clarity. No substitute for investigation with an open mind.
BELOW: 1967 CIA memo ordering agents, funds recipients, and more, to crush critical-questions and opinion- trends re: the Warren Commission's report on the assassination of JFK
It is reported the Reader's Digest is on record saying:
US GOV report on Kennedy assassination was so fraught with inconsistencies, that the CIA was used by the US GOV to destroy counter-narratives and brand critical thinkers as "conspiracy theorists"
These Tactics are Still Used Today: Covid-19 has revealed nothing’s changed; this is the first base the government falls back on.
We have endured two years of this “OFFICIAL TRUTH” aka Pure Lies and the mocking of people who put up the alternative narrative; understand this we are at war with our own government concerning the TRUTH that matters.
A LAW OF CREATION: Each seed produces after its own kind. (Genesis 1:11-12)
Therefore, it is of no surprise the people who live in Black Shadow are authors of Dark Deeds that was true in 1963 to 1967 and is exceptionally true today in 2022
WISDOM FROM ABOVE: The little foxes spoil the vine (Song of Solomon 2:15)
The old; adage 1 bad apple in the barrel will spoil the whole barrel is the disease of Government and Government agencies we have seen this with great clarity since Covid kicked off 2020 and it’s a steep decline we are witnessing
Original Sources: https://t.me/australiaoneparty_official/5320